May 12, 2006

Letter to Ombudsman (12th May 2006)

For the attention of Bernie Kelly.

Dear Ombudsman,

We refer to our telephone conversation of this morning concerning the non-response of Government Departments, in particular the Department of Transport and the Department of Finance, to our letters of concern relating to NCT, VRT and other matters.

If The Ombudsman requires copies of the correspondence which has been written these will be produced on request.

In particular, we refer to our letters dated 25th.February 2006 addressed to Ministers Cowen & Cullen, which was further supposedly handed in to Minister Cowen by Enda Kenny at our protest outside the Dail on the 1st. March last, letter dated 18th. February 2006 to the Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern, letter dated 16th. March 2006 to Minister Gallagher, Department of Transport and our letter dated 5th. April 2006 to Minster Cowen at the Department of Finance including many letters in 2005 all of which the Departments have failed to respond but especially the Department of Transport.

We would appreciate your intervention in this matter with a view to having our concerns responded to in a satisfactory, respectful and dignified manner, rather than being ignored by our Government Departments.

In anticipation of your co-operation in this matter, thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.

Enclosed, please find information about our Association.

Yours Faithfully,
David Russell
National Secretary, Irish Drivers Association.
087 231 2250.

John Lernihan
National Chairman, Irish Drivers Association.
087 2509 123

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Filed Under: Correspondence

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