June 24, 2009

The Irish Drivers Association was formed in Clare to protect the rights and opinions of the ordinary Irish motorist.

We believe that for too long, motorists in this country have been ignored, notwithstanding the billions of Euro they pay the the exchequer each year. Almost every adult living in this country is a motorist. We should be one of the most powerful lobbies with a powerful voice.

Our main efforts are being currently concentrated on a concerted campaign to have VRT abolished. Our committee continue to meet with Government representatives in order to get our points across.

  • The Irish Government has been asked by the European Commission to abolish VRT. So far, they have refused.
  • We believe that the imposition of VRT on Irish citizens is illegal under Article 25 of the Treaty of Rome.
  • Abolishing VRT would result in greater new car sales, replacing the lost revenue.
  • Our national car fleet would be newer and safer if VRT were abolished.
  • Irish car prices are at least 30% higher than most other EU states.
  • VRT is applied to the after VAT price of a new car, effectively creating a double tax hit.
  • Motorists contribute nearly four billion euro to the exchequer each year, yet we do not receive the services that this huge taxation should entitle us to.
  • While we support the penalty points system, it contains many anomalies which need to be addressed.
  • The imposition of penalty points is a serious matter with long term consequences. Points are imposed on drivers detected doing 31 mph in a 30 mph zone. The penalty would be exactly the same if they were doing 45 mph.
  • A speeding offence results in a fine and penalty points. A further penalty may be imposed by insurance companies, effectively punishing a driver three times for the same offence.
  • The government propose handing driver’s details directly to insurance companies. We believe this is illegal.
  • The NCT test, while useful in keeping bangers off the road, also needs to be modified.
  • The Irish Drivers Association wants to take a stand against the exploitation of the Irish motorist.

We are now a nationwide organisation to give Irish drivers a voice.

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