July 6, 2010
Irish Drivers meet Sinn Fein MEP & MLA
Press release 5.7.2010
A recent two hour meeting of the Irish Drivers Association has taken place in Stormont with Bairbre De Brun SF MEP and Martina Anderson SF MLA.
Topics for discussion were the interference in the single European market by the Irish government and the failure to recognise and deliver on certain Article’s in the treaty of Rome such as Articles.10.14, 25, &39. Other matters raised were the notional values added to vehicles imported from other member states by the Revenue Commissioners and superseding the book value of imported vehicles in order to raise more revenue.
One of the main topics for discussion was the hidden agenda by Revenue to apply two levels of VRT/Customs duty’s on the same vehicle. A vehicle imported into the Republic of Ireland is being book valued on a similar vehicle in the South which already has VRT/Customs duty included in its value.
The Irish Drivers Association are now engaged in compiling relevant figures and facts through our researcher and will forward same to SF who will raise these matters in the Dail and in Brussels. We have also raised the breach of Constitutional EU law rights and human rights by Gardai and Customs officers under the instruction of the Irish Government. These issues were brought as a result of the 1992 finance act which interferes with our constitution rights, EU law rights and our human rights.
This meeting was attended by John Lernihan CO. Clare National Chairman. Ger Connelly Athlone, Researcher. John E. Doherty. Donegal chairman.
For further information contact John Lernihan at 087 2509123 or John E Doherty at 086 8789925
Written by: Irish Drivers Association
Filed Under: Dates / Events
Trackback URL: http://www.irishdrivers.org/dates-events/irish-drivers-meet-sinn-fein-mep-mla/trackback/