July 15, 2010

Irish Drivers Subsidised Taxi Fare Proposal

Reply received from Department of Transport officials 12th August 2010

Dear Mr. Doherty

Thank you for your recent e-mail relating to the provision of a subsidised taxi service for people under the influence of alcohol.

While the Department is not in a position to provide financial support for a transport scheme targeted specifically at people under the influence of alcohol, issues raised by your Association’s proposal can, in so far as they relate to rural areas, be considered in the context of the development of the Rural Transport Programme and the provision of improved public transport in rural areas generally. I understand that taxis already play a part in the provision of transport services under the Programme.


Noel Singleton
National Sustainable Transport Office – Area B
Department of Transport
Ground Floor
Transport House
44 Kildare Street
Dublin 2.

Tel: + 353 1 6041644
E-mail: noelsingleton@transport.ie

Replies received

Dear Mr Doherty,

I have been asked by Mr. John Gormley, T.D., Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government to acknowledge receipt of your recent email in connection with an introduction of a 50/50 subsidised scheme.

Your suggestion has been noted.

Yours sincerely,

Eddie Kiernan
Private Secretary


From: “Webmaster@taoiseach.gov.ie”
To: John E. Doherty Snr.
Sent: Wed, 14 July, 2010 17:20:29
Subject: Re: Fw: 50/50 subsidised scheme

Go raibh maith agat as teagmháil a dhéanamh le Roinn an Taoisigh.
Fuaireamar do theachtaireacht agus béimid ag déanamh athbhreithniú uirthi.

Thank you for contacting the Department of the Taoiseach.
Your message has been received and will be reviewed.



Copy of letter sent

Addressed to Minister for transport. Minister for the environment. Road safety Authority and the Commissioner for Taxi Regulation.

Dear Sir or Madam,

Due to the most recent road fatalities and the newly proposed drink driving law, The Irish Drivers Association would like to propose to the relevant departments the introduction of a 50/50 subsidised taxi scheme. What we propose is the introduction of a subsidised Taxi fare by the Government and the customer to operate on a 50/50 basis. This can be introduced by issuing Taxi drivers and publicans with a subsidised Taxi receipt book. This subsidised fare would only qualify for someone under the influence of alcohol. The introduction of this scheme would save lives and would be the answer to the existing problem with rural pubs create jobs in public houses and in the Taxi sector and when up and running would fund itself by returning more revenue for government. This is a win win situation and should be viewed seriously. This after all would be a small price to pay if together we can save one more tragedy.

The Irish Drivers Association would like to extend our deepest sympathy to the families and friends of the latest road tragedy in Inishowen.

John Lernihan. Founder and national chairman Co. Clare. 087 2509123

John E. Doherty Donegal branch chairman 086 8789925

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