April 27, 2010

Notice to all elected representatives

To all Elected representatives.

We the Irish Drivers Association now hold you responsible for the criminalisation of the people who elected you, by being prosecuted for VRT related charges by Customs, Gardai and the Courts. On the 8th of June 1972 we the Irish people amended the Irish constitution by way of the 1972 European communities ACT, known as the 3rd amendment. According to article 14 of the treaty of Rome, a derogation was granted to the Irish Government in regards to customs duty’s which was to expire on the 31st of December 1992. Policital trickery introduced the 1992 Finance Act which relabelled and retained a prohibited customs duty under article 25 of the treaty of Rome. The very introduction of the 1992 Finance act is a breach of the Irish constitution (Article’s 15, 34, 38 and 43) and breaches the European treaty of Rome (Articles 14, 25 and 39). We are now demanding the immediate termination of this prohibited tax and will not settle for termination on a phased out basis. We are also demanding the immediate release of all vehicle’s seized under the Finance act. This letter will be posted on the Irish Drivers Association web site and we are instructing the general public not to VOTE for any Candidate in local, county, by-election, National or European elections that does not have a clear policy on VRT. We have been defrauded by the Irish government in that we have been a member of Europe for 38 years and during that time have been denied the rights granted under the Treaty.

John E Doherty snr. Donegal Branch Chairman. 0868789925

John Lernihan Organisation Founder and County Clare branch Chairman 0872509123

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Filed Under: Dates / Events

Trackback URL: http://www.irishdrivers.org/dates-events/notice-to-all-elected-representatives/trackback/

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