April 10, 2014
Gardaí “Breaking The Law” by Seizing Untaxed Cars – Campaigner
MOTORISTS should take legal action against Gardaí or Revenue officials who seize their vehicles as officers are breaking European laws, a campaigner has claimed.
And John Doherty from the Irish Drivers Association says motorists would WIN any legal challenge.
He says it’s the Irish Government which is breaking the law and the seizure of vehicles for unpaid taxes – like road tax or vehicle registration tax (VRT) – actually breaches European legislation.
Referring to the seizure of six more vehicles near Ballybofey on Monday – and one in which a man says he suffered a suspected heart attack – Mr Doherty said Gardaí are breaking the law.
“The Gardaí and customs are acting under instruction from Michael Noonan to seize vehicles under the 1992 Finance Act which is contrary to Article 15 of the constitution for unpaid road tax and Customs Duty which is prohibited under article 25 of the Treaty of Rome,” said Mr Doherty.
“Once again this proves that Garda resources are been dedicated to extorting revenue from an already hard pressed motorist while so many crimes go unsolved.”
He has once again urged anyone who has had their car seized to take immediate legal steps.
Mr Doherty added: “European law supersedes Irish law.”
Source: Donegal Daily Website – April 7th 2014
Update: The Donegal Daily Facebook post on the above article was shared by over 1,200 people on Facebook
Written by: Irish Drivers Association
Filed Under: News
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